His tail is robotized in such a way that spikes can come out of it.
Dusty is a brown tabby cat. He has yellow eyes and the Storms sign tattooed on both of his ears. He wears his uniform and a black mask.He is a rather discreet cat, but he manages a certain part of the storms. He prefers to do everything alone, and thinks that everyone should be for themselves. His favorite weapon: his tail with spikes. Otherwise, does his family name «De Winter» mean anything to you? Only legends know.
Dusty always hated Shik even when he was still one of them. He was his main competitor, Dusty was very jealous that Shik was promoted, and that suddenly Dusty was submissive to him. When Shik «betrayed» them, Dusty then vowed to catch up with him one day to fight one on one.