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Rex the First
First Name: Rex
Last Name: -
Nickname: The wolf buster
Age: 56 at his death
Gender: Male
Species: Dog
Breed: Golden retriever
1,67 m
49 kg

He had the power of the IVth kingdom.

Nature: Neutral
Context: Before all of the events., The Secret of Laika
Creation year: 2019

Rex is a pure golden retriever with silky cream fur. He seems to be very majestic. He always wears his crown and sometimes his cape.


During his reign, Rex had some misunderstandings with wolves and some wild dogs who wanted to revolutionize his kingdom. Rex was afraid of them and considered all wolves dangerous, so he called his guards for the complete extermination of this canine species. Following this plan, a very large majority of wolves living on the territory of the Kingdom of Ashford were killed or confined. Very few survived.


