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First Name: Akielle
Last Name: Lighstorm
Nickname: Aki
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Species: Dog
Breed: Chihuahua, Labrador, Pooch
1.52 m
29 kg

She can argue very well.

Nature: Neutral
Context: Series `Rinna`
Creation year: 2021

Aki is a small chihuahua mix dog. She is blue and has white spots. She has a dominant character and often wins in arguments. It’s very easy to piss her off. She is very severe and cunning. But sometimes, she can even be nice and sympathetic, she likes to discuss a subject for hours. Aki loves her children very much, she helps them to realize their dreams but she is both a bit strict with them and educates them in her own way.


No backstory yet.

