Can use the force, can read minds, he can predict the future. He can also teleport into spaces that are close to him.
Blackstorm is a fairly small gray wolf. His blue eyes are very remarkable and seem to shine. He has wrinkles under his eyes. His fur is old, matted and unkempt. He has a protese (or robotic paw) which replaces his right paw. He always wears a black cape and often hides his face under a hood. His voice is dry, crooked and old. Blackstorm is controlled by hatred, rage and perhaps fear. Even having power is not enough for him, he still wants to be in control of everything. He has no mercy and destroys everything. He never killed with his own hand, he always had someone kill his victim for him. But, deep in his heart, his only passion, the one he loves most in the world and for which he would do anything to protect her remains his beloved daughter, Rinna…
After Shuba half-possessed Patrick, he inherited his throne in the heart of the Storms and took control of them. Today he is known as the supreme leader. (very long backstory to complete).