Very good warrior. Knows all attacks and defenses. He is also a very good pilot.
Daivy is a small brown cat. He has a white spot on his muzzle and belly. He also has darker spots spread over his fur. Before, he had beautiful yellow eyes but after his plane crash, when the helix hit him in the face, he became blind. Some of his body parts have been replaced with robotic parts. He always wears a beige scarf. Davy is of a very loyal and defensive character. He is very agile and fast. He is ready to give his life to save his loved ones. Sometimes he may lie to defend himself or someone.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Daivy lived in peace with Ella, his wife and his child, Jules who was then almost 12 years old. It was then the war, and he left there because he was one of the best pilots. He was fighting well and they were winning, but it all fell apart very quickly. The enemies hated Daivy very much because he was the one who lowered their planes the most, and they could never reach him, so they decided to kidnap his family and use them to lure him to them and kill him. So Daivy fell into their trap. It all happened on an enemy bomber plane, as Daivy was trying to save Ella and Jules, he thought he would pull it all off quickly without anyone realizing it, but he fell into their trap. In the end, after the big fight, the plane crash, Ella was killed by the enemies, Davy became blind but he managed to save his son, Jules. When he jumped from a burning plane with his son, they ran away, and to bring Jules to safety, Daivy wanted to send him to the very near future, to see him again one day after the war, but due to a bug in the «time machine», he sent his son to another century. Daivy had promised his son to see him again one day, but sadly, it will never be…