Can use the force and can teleport to places no further than 1km away. Is very good with weapons, such as the blaster and the lightsaber.
Flockstorm is a dark indigo wolf-dog. He has a long cyber grape curly hair. His eyes are red. His fur is very soft and voluminous, his tail is like that of a fox. He almost always wears his black cape. He always keeps his lightsaber with him.
Flockstorm is very dominant and fearless. He is a very orderly and proud personality, we can say that he’s a perfectionnist. Sometimes he can be very violent with others, he is ruthless and very arrogant. He is also introverted and only speaks when he needs to, he almost never pays attention to other storms. He rarely expresses his emotions and always has a neutral air. His behavior and his attitude depend on his entourage, he seems to be a little depressed when he is with his congeners, but on the other hand, when he is surrounded by his opponents he becomes aggressive or «plays» with their lifes.
Like his brother Flocky, Flockstorm likes to discover new things, but he is afraid of making mistakes, he wants to be the perfect «Storm». Hate and fear control him…
Flockstorm is strong, knows all the fighting techniques and can blast right on his target. He can also use force.
He is under the control of his master, whom he hates, Blackstorm. His plan is to end it and become the most powerful storm ever known and take control of the Nix region like Shuba once did. For the moment, Flockstorm is not preparing for the assassination of his master but rather to obtain his own apprentice…
Flockstorm was born as «Jake». Around his three years, at the time of the «Great fire accident», to put him in safety from all that threatened the family, his mother Angelly had entrusted him to her brother Patrick (who became Blackstorm over time). Angelly’s last words before parting ways were addressed to Patrick: «I hope you’ll make him a very good boy, I’ll leave him to you…». As you can see, Patrick had not kept his promise.
Jake had been raised by the Lightstorm family, his adoptive father being his uncle Patrick, his adoptive mother being his aunt Akielle and his little cousins Rinna and Anakin. But that didn’t last long, after Shuba’s death, Patrick became Blackstorm by taking Shuba‘s place in the power of the Storms and inheriting the Throne of the Storms. At the time, Flockstorm was only 10 years old when Patrick had betrayed and left his family for his thirst to rule the world. Over the years, he trained Jake who knew the strength of the dark side and became Flockstorm. He still resented his real family for abandoning him…