She governs the Republic of Ashford.
Lindsey is a Swiss Shepherd x Border Collie. Despite her age, she still remains so beautiful and looks young. She still wears her presidential «tuxedo». She may seem strict but she always listens to her people and is responsible for the territory. She is greatly admired by her people and is bossy. She ensures that everyone is respected and free. She is usually at the seat of the St Elmo Senate.
During her forties, she, like her husband Shuba, had a plan to invade all the territory of the Nix region and then the country of Ashford to make an empire, when the governor was already very old, Shuba began to act in such a way as to want to destroy everything and force others to submit to him. Seeing that it wasn’t working well enough and that the people weren’t happy at all, Lindsey offered to simply go and run as a candidate in the next presidential election, but Shuba hadn’t listened to her at all, and having concluded that no one will vote for him and that he will not be patient enough, but above all that he wanted an empire, he rejected her and continued with his cruel plan. The two lovers separated and Lindsey changed her surname «Storm» to her childhood name «Tyler». But she didn’t gave up, as she was previously a lawyer and was in the old parliament of the Nix region, she presented herself as a candidate during the elections which she won by promising the inhabitants of Ashford that she would provide everything and that she will organize everything for a better life for all the animals, which was the case, since she succeeded in fulfilling her promise. Time passed, and Ashford was intact, despite the attacks of Shuba which continued by his death, in the region of Vulcanusia. Lindsay is still President of the Republic of Ashford.