Can turn into a black flying leaf, He can see infrared and ultraviolet. He is a very good pilot and he can shoot very clearly with a pistol. He has the abilities of a ninja (sword fighting etc.)
Shik is the cutest hero from my universe. He has the most unique personality, story and capabilities!!
He is very short and has a baby voice, he is also very kind and caring. But he is also very reckless and often gets confused in unavoidable situations. He doesn’t trust anyone except his friends. He is also very extroverted but enjoys being alone too.
🩷 He loves: Shrimp food, Rinna, Fighter planes and Quadroheliss, his friends, doing something alone.
💔 He dislikes : Skyla, being the leader, working in team, debts, being called “cute” and “ShikStorm”
Very quickly explained : Shik was born during the WW1, but his mother got captured and killed by the ennemis, and his dad sacrificed himself to save Shik. His dad didn’t die but lost his eyes. Davy, Shik’s father wanted to go to the future with his whole family but only managed to send his son to 100 years later. Shik was found on the street and then raised by Zifir until our hero escaped. He will then join the Storms, since he has superb abilities (very good pilot, the ability to see in infrared etc.), and during his highest paid mission, he gives up and becomes friends with Flocky and Rinna.