He has gathered all the force within himself and therefore can possess others and compel them to do something even if he is no more alive.
Shemseddine-Hugues is a large brown German Shepherd. His eyes are red as you can see in his photo. He always wears an iron mask which protects him but also to hide all his scars. After all the fights and wars, he lost limbs and was greatly injured so he replaced his invalid body parts with mechanical and robotic ones. You could say it’s a half-robot dog. He always wears clothes, unlike the other characters. He also has a black cape. His first name «Shemseddine-Hugues» is very long and difficult to pronounce, so he created the nickname «Shuba» by which everyone calls him today. Shuba always had the sole purpose of wanting to control the world, and he managed to achieve his goals only through violence.
Throughout his life, Shuba did some seriously horrible things, no one could stop him. He lived for his sole purpose: to become emperor and to make the Republic of Ashford an empire ruled by a single leader. He had destroyed the village of the natives on «the Fantom Island», he invaded a lot of territories on the planet, but he especially occupied the most of his territories in the Nix region. His life was made up of blood, violence and death. He killed many innocent victims out of a thirst for more power. During this, he created a whole army of «Storms» that he named in homage to his family name. He had built underground camps all over the vast territory of the «Dange Zone» where the Flockstorm’s camps are today. But, even in this cruel life, Shuba had a family. His former wife Lindsey is now his ennemi, and his daughter Eddie is still alive. She was raised by his apprentice Blackstorm whom Shuba had possessed. He died at the age of approximately 68 burned in the Vulcanusia region. But as the legend says, his spirit still haunts his heirs and the camps of the storms…